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A Message About Elliot Racine on Social Media 

Hi friends, 

I would like to say some words about my use of social media as a tool for sharing my music with you. 

Before I get too deep into it, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am NOT trying to tell anybody to not use social media. As of the typing of this message, social media is one of the most useful tools that I have for sharing my music with you and the world, so please keep your social media profiles, and please “like”, follow, and subscribe to mine. 

What I’m here to say is that I have seen a lot of great things happen on and because of social media, and I have also seen a lot of horrible things happen on and because of social media. My takeaway is that social media is too big and too complicated to be just good or bad, and that because of its massiveness and complexity, it can be very dangerous when it is not used with thought and precaution. 

It is important to me that you know that as I use social media to share my music with you and the world, I am constantly asking questions about it and the ways in which I use it. Questions, for example, like, how much time do I spend on social media and why do I spend the time on it that I do? What are the differences that I see between online and offline? How I will react when I see something on or relating to social media that I know isn’t right? How do the platforms that I use make their money? Why do I see what I see on them? What roll do I play in all of it? 

It is also important to me that you know that I do not use social media to define myself. I do not use social media to express myself. I do not use social media to get the world to notice me. I do all of that through my music. 

So yes, please, “like”, follow, and subscribe to me on social media, and as you use social media to connect with my music, please do so in ways that are safe for yourself and for others. 

Thank you for taking the time to read or listen to this message, and as always, thank you for all of your support. 
