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Help Elliot Record His New Album 

Hi Friends,

I am working hard on recording a new album. If you would like to help me cover my recording costs with a financial contribution, you can make a one-time contribution at or an ongoing contribution towards my new album and beyond at Of course, not all of the contributions that I am in need of are financial. If you would like to make a non-financial contribution, I've written down some ideas for how you can do that at

One of the first things that you will notice about the album will be the instrumentation. I will reveal what the instrumentation will be when I get closer to releasing the album, but for now, I can tell you that I, at least, have never heard of any albums that have the same instrumentation that I will use on this one. I do have a title for the album at this point, but as with the instrumentation, I will reveal it when I get closer to releasing the album.

A lot of the material on this album will draw heavily from the influence of a lot of the folkloric and traditional music from around the world—the music of our ancestors. All of my music does, but that side of it will come through very clearly in the composition, tonalities, and rhythms on this album. One of the things that I strive for as a creator and performer of music is a sense of timelessness. I strive to make music that feels like it could be 1,000 years old and five minutes old at the same time. I strive to make music that feels both ancient and fresh. This album will be keeping with that tradition of mine.

Recording this album is something that I cannot do all by myself. I will need help with a great many things. Some of that help will be financial in nature, some of it will not. Thank you for your financial and/or non-financial help in recording my new album.
